Management of BiH Border Police had a meeting with director of Sarajevo International Airport

Director of BiH Border Police Zoran Galić, deputy director Zijad Srabović, assistant director for organization and operations Slobodan Krstić and commander of the Border Police unit at Sarajevo Airport Munib Čorbić visited Sarajevo International Airport today and had a business meeting with the director of the Airport Armin Kajmaković.
Reflecting to a constant increase of air traffic in summer season and the records being registered from month to month, the directors agreed that air traffic operations had been going smoothly and without traffic jam precisely because of an exceptional engagement of employees of the Airport and BiH Border Police.
Director Kajmaković briefed director Galić about the forthcoming infrastructural projects on extension of Sarajevo Airport, what will enable more space for necessities of the Border Police unit at Sarajevo Airport.
The project is highly complex and challenging given the fact that execution of works on extension of Terminal building must not affect regular air traffic operations, i.e. it must not cause delays or possible suspension of flights.
Director of BiH Border Police promises support to the Airport because of increased number of operations and passengers, through recruiting more staff in the Border Police unit at Sarajevo Airport.